BMPVIEW3.ZIP 15,225 09-13-94 BMPView v3.0. Enables BMP viewing in asmall window or can be expanded to view thewhole screen.
BMPZW210.ZIP 706,154 10-01-94 BitMapz for Windows v2.10 <ASP> Bit MapSlide Show. Easy to setup and use. Allowsan infinite number of slide shows; Up to32000 Slides/Show.
DRDOO_12.ZIP 204,463 10-23-94 Dr. Doodle VGA v1.2. Hi Res VGAmouse-oriented drawing program for ages 2and older. 16 drawing objects includingtriangles, stars, and diamonds.
GRAFF37.ZIP 29,648 09-08-94 Screen Capture v3.7 for DOS and Windows 3.1.
GRFWK70E.ZIP 493,160 10-13-94 Graphic Workshop for DOS v7.0e. Converts,prints, views, dithers, transforms, flips,rotates, scales, crops, colour adjusts,catalogs, quantizes and wreaks specialeffects on MAC, IMG, PCX, GIF, TIFF, EPS,JPG, WPG, MSP, m
GWSWIN11.ZIP 902,532 10-20-94 Graphic Workshop for Windows v1.1.Converts, prints, views, dithers,transforms, flips, rotates, scales, crops,colour adjusts, catalogs, quantizes andwreaks special effects on MAC, IMG, PCX,GIF, TIFF, EPS, JPG and more!
IMAGEPRE.ZIP 221,315 11-24-94 Image Previewer v1.0 for Windows. Unique inthe ease that it gives the user to browsethrough the disk drive and preview images.It will display BMP, PCX, TIF, GIF, DCX,JPG, WPG, and EPS image files.
JPEG_5.ZIP 129,695 12-13-94 C/DJPeg v5.0. All Machines version.Compress and decompress utilities for JPegimages.
LETSEE.ZIP 4,938 11-03-94 Let's See v1.0 for Windows. Graphics fileviewer supports bitmaps (.bmp), Windowsmetafiles (.wmf) and icon files (.ico).Future versons will support many moregraphic formats.
LICHTBLD.ZIP 689,669 09-02-94 This is a demo publication to be used withNeobook or Neobook Pro.
LVIEWP19.ZIP 304,125 11-16-94 LView Pro v1.9 for Windows. Image FileViewer/Editor.
MMC16.ZIP 404,377 09-01-94 Movie viewer. Supports voc, fli, gif andothers requires sound blaster for bestresults.
MPGVIEW.ZIP 457,875 10-22-94 MPG and JPG viewer for DOS and Windows.Seperate viewers for windows includes soundand a demo.
MULTV1.ZIP 592,647 10-05-94 MultiView v1.0 for Windows. View (3 of 12)bitmaps, icons or metafiles on one screen.
PHOTOP.ZIP 819,787 10-02-94 PhotoPat v1.5 for Windows. Unique image topattern converter allowing you to transformbitmaps into photorealistic color-by-#patterns using a user defineable colorpalette! Pattern can be fully modified.
POSTER12.ZIP 60,644 11-20-94 Poster v1.2 for Windows. Easily and quicklycreate large posters and signs, and printthem at up to 10 times the size of a singlesheet.
POWRNW11.ZIP 98,564 09-29-94 PowrNEWS v1.1 for Windows. Create ongoingASCII/ANSI/RIP bltns to inform users ofimport news & events. No more 50 line limiton ANSI screens as in TheDraw. And it's allGUI!
PRINTGF.ZIP 228,307 09-25-94 PrintGF v1.18 <ASP> GIF printer for DOS,Windows. DOS and registered Windowsversions read BMP, JPG, PCX, TIF.
RDSIRA10.ZIP 40,474 09-10-94 Rude Dog SIRA v.1.0. The Rude Dog SingleImage Random ANSI Generator creates 3DANSIs much like the Stereogram posters seenin malls all across the U.S.
SHOW50A.ZIP 444,268 11-03-94 DataShow v5.0A. Multimedia presentationprogram. Many script examples.
SPRED31.ZIP 211,722 12-02-94 SPREdit v3.1. Sprite editor/animator for256 color games.
ST_GRAM2.ZIP 161,204 10-21-94 Stereograms 2 for Windows. Convertsmonochrome bitmaps into random-dotstereograms, which can be viewed on-screenor printed.
TSHW12.ZIP 143,629 10-11-94 Trade Show v1.2. Quickly create slideshowapplications for product or services demosor other presentations. A sequence ofuser-prepared .pcx image files in640x480x16 VGA format is displayed tocustomers, clients or other
VFD15.ZIP 75,728 10-31-94 Video For DOS v1.5. Motion videocross-compiler that creates and convertsamong FLI, FLC, AVI (lit & rle) formatsplus MPG input. Reads and extracts BMP,RLE, DIB, TGA, PCX & GIF.
VIDVUE31.ZIP 551,973 09-27-94 Vidvue v3.1 for Windows. Multimedia player/slideshow/viewer/utility forGIF/JPG/BMP/PCX/ TIF/TGA/WMF/etc. Images.Also plays AVI/FLI/ FLC/MOV movies andWAV/MID audio. Frame grab, printing, andother features.
VUEPRI33.ZIP 217,428 11-21-94 VuePrint JPEG/GIF Viewer for Windows v3.3.Reads, writes, and prints JPEG, GIF, BMP,TGA, and PCX files. Includes a screen saverand a uudecoder.
WARL112.ZIP 437,166 12-10-94 WarLock Screen Editor v1.1.2. New conceptin screen development. More features thanany other screen editor. Import PCX, BMP,GIF files to any size screen; zoom/panaround edit screen; mix shades for drawing;line drawing.
WLABV30B.ZIP 856,033 10-28-94 WinLab v3.0b. Advanced image processing andphoto retouch. WinLab is able to apply manyimage processsing algorithms, geometricprocessing, etc.
XL200124.ZIP 74,444 11-09-94 XL2001 v2.4. Electronic Publishing. Makeson-screen books, magazines, newsletters andcatalogs in color, with autoscroll, mousescroll, quick file change, special fonts,"book covers" and more.